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What are 11 Most Mysterious Islands On Earth? How can we travel there?

This post provides a brief introduction to ten different islands with unique features or stories associated with them. It highlights their distinctive characteristics, such as indigenous tribes, historical significance, natural wonders, or legends. Additionally, it includes information on how to travel to some of these islands while noting that others are off-limits or considered legends.

  1. North Sentinel Island, India: This island is home to the Sentinelese, an indigenous tribe known for fiercely resisting contact with the outside world.

  2. Poveglia, Italy: This island was used as a quarantine station for plague victims in the 17th century and later as a mental asylum. It is said to be one of the most haunted places in Italy.

  3. Hashima Island, Japan: Also known as "Battleship Island," this abandoned island was once home to a thriving coal mining community.

  4. Easter Island, Chile: This remote island is home to mysterious statues called Moai, which have puzzled archaeologists for years.

  5. Socotra Island, Yemen: This island is home to a large number of unique plant and animal species found nowhere else on Earth.

  6. The Island of the Dolls, Mexico: This small island is home to hundreds of creepy, mutilated dolls hanging from the trees.

  7. The Island of the Seven Cities, Canada: According to legend, this island off the coast of Newfoundland was once home to a thriving Viking colony.

  8. Surtsey Island, Iceland: This volcanic island formed in 1963, and is one of the youngest islands on Earth.

  9. Ilha da Queimada Grande, Brazil: Also known as "Snake Island," this island is home to a large number of venomous snakes.

  10. The Island of the Blue Dolphins, USA: This island was once home to the Lone Woman of San Nicolas, a Native American woman who lived alone on the island for 18 years.

  11. The Island of the Lost, Australia: This island is said to be home to the spirits of shipwrecked sailors and convicts who died there.

How can we travel there?
  1. North Sentinel Island, India: This island is off-limits to visitors due to the hostility of the Sentinelese tribe. The Indian government has placed a 3-mile exclusion zone around the island to protect the tribe's isolation.

  2. Poveglia, Italy: Poveglia is also off-limits to visitors, as it is considered a dangerous ruin. The island is currently abandoned, and the buildings are in a state of disrepair.

  3. Hashima Island, Japan: Visitors can take a ferry from the city of Nagasaki to Hashima Island. The island is open for tours, but access to the interior of the buildings is not allowed.

  4. Easter Island, Chile: Visitors can fly to Easter Island from Santiago, Chile, or Papeete, French Polynesia. Once on the island, there are several tour operators that offer guided tours of the Moai statues.

  5. Socotra Island, Yemen: Visitors can fly to Socotra from Sana'a or Aden, Yemen. Once on the island, there are several tour operators that offer guided tours of the island's unique flora and fauna.

  6. The Island of the Dolls, Mexico: Visitors can take a boat tour from Xochimilco, Mexico City to visit the island.

  7. The Island of the Seven Cities, Canada: There is no known location of the Island of Seven Cities, and it is considered a legend.

  8. Surtsey Island, Iceland: Surtsey is protected by Icelandic law and is off-limits to visitors, as it is a scientific reserve.

  9. Ilha da Queimada Grande, Brazil: Visitors are strictly prohibited from visiting the island due to the danger posed by the venomous snakes that inhabit it.

  10. The Island of the Blue Dolphins, USA: The island is part of the Channel Islands National Park, and can be visited by boat or kayak. Guided tours are also available.

  11. The Island of the Lost, Australia: There is no known location of the Island of Lost and it is considered a legend.

In conclusion, these ten islands from around the world offer a glimpse into unique and captivating stories, histories, and natural wonders. From the mysterious Moai statues of Easter Island to the venomous snakes of Snake Island, each island has its own distinctive character. While some islands are accessible to visitors through guided tours, others are off-limits or exist only in legends. Whether it's the isolation of North Sentinel Island, the haunted ruins of Poveglia, or the thriving wildlife of Socotra Island, these islands ignite our curiosity and remind us of the diverse and awe-inspiring aspects of our planet. Exploring these islands would undoubtedly provide an unforgettable and enriching experience.

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